It's the perfect time of year for getting outside, whether that's in a garden or on a balcony, or a window sill! Even better: getting the whole family involved.

This National Children's Gardening Week, we've got some FixIts inspiration for you, so your little people can have as much fun, too. From adapting tools like trowels and watering cans to creating little seed dibbers, having fun with plants is for everyone.

So clean out your window boxes, yank up your parasols, and grab your nearest FixIts sticks. It's time for some fun outdoors.

Dib dib dob dob

It's fun to swizzle some Fixits into these dibbers and get the kids involved in planting seeds. The dibber helps give you a bit of depth in the soil before plopping the seed in.

It's a scoop!

Create your own mini-trowel for your littluns to use. These little scoops are perfect for getting just the right amount of soil over the seeds. (And
they're easy to make!)

Fun with forks

Once the seed has been dibbered and covered, it's important to loosen and turn the soil to aerate it and help it absorb water better.