Meet the incredible new DIY kitchen drawer essential to tackle any kind of “I don’t have time for this to be broken” in and out of your home. 

FixIts is your convenient, easy go-to product that can be used almost anywhere without mess or fuss. Simply heat up a stick in kettle boiled water for around 1 minute to soften, mould and mend; then watch as FixIts solidifies before your eyes. 

FixIts has no expiry date so hold onto left over bits for later. Made a mistake? No problem! FixIts are endlessly remouldable, simply heat it to reshape it.

Break free from our throw away culture and show your stuff a little love, you’ll be amazed at how much you can fix when you put a little time & thought into it.

Don’t bin it when you can FixIts!

See Fixits in action

Heat it

Put the kettle on! FixIts softens at temperatures above 60°C / 140°F

Dunk It

Expose FixIts to the hot water for approx. 1 minute and see it soften

Remove It

Remove from heat and pinch off what you need.

Mould It

FixIts hardens as it cools, from melt to mend in minutes!