Our Story

Born out of a materials design studio and a passion for repair.
Sometimes you make a discovery that changes the way you think about your stuff. That’s exactly what happened when our Founder Chris Lefteri brought home what would later become FixIts whilst writing his first book in 2000.
Very quickly Chris and his wife Alison started using this material to fix things around their home (especially with two young children). It became very apparent that this could be as ubiquitous within the home as super glue or Blu Tack.
The idea was brainstormed and toyed with over the next decade and a half until former student of Chris’ and now Co-Founder of FixIts, Forrest Radford, joined the project to help develop this idea into a consumer product.
With his background in product design from the Royal College of Art and eight books on materials and manufacturing under his belt, Chris’s vision for FixIts a product that can repair when tape and glues can’t was born.

Choosing to manufacture responsibly from the beginning
We are proud of the fact that the material and manufacturing for our FixIts sticks is based in the UK as is our packaging. As our product family grows we’re now finding some products are impossible to do/source directly from within the UK.

The amount of single use waste a business can generate can be huge.
The scary thing we saw when we started FixIts was the amount of waste we learnt a business can generate before a product is even packaged and on the shelves. Even the amount of waste that can be generated in shipping large amounts of orders became rather apparent.
Rather than allowing our business to scale with these known waste issues, we took a step back, spoke with our manufacturers, took a look at how we operated and started to source and pack with more sustainable materials.
Apart from the labels that hold our packaging sealed we have removed all single use plastics and replaced them with FSC or PEFC paper products from the journey between our manufacturer to us. This also means our packing boxes do not use plastic tape -that impedes recycling- but using paper based tape.